Sa Raja Vermentino di Sardegna
Sa Raja Vermentino di Sardegna
"We arrived over a sunrise of a deep Sardinian sea.
We were guided from the yellow color of Helichrysum, we recognized the path, the beaches and the woods. Its scents is all one with the territory. Thus our dream begins.”
We were guided from the yellow color of Helichrysum, we recognized the path, the beaches and the woods. Its scents is all one with the territory. Thus our dream begins.”
“We stopped and we traced the sign, become an indelebile memory. An authentic sign, deep and instinctive, as our meeting with Sardinia. A sign that brings us to the sea into the wines we produce without wind.”
“Sardinia is a generous land, but you have to desire it strongly. You have to learn its rules and the story of the vineyards. Thereby you will learn the wines. “
Kleur: De wijn kleurt mooi stro geel met groenachtige reflecties
Neus: In de neus hints van fruit en bloemen met een minerale toon die aan de zee doet denken
Mond: In de mond is de wijn hartig, mineraal en strak.
regio Sardinië
jaar 2020
druif Vermentino
alcoholgehalte 13%
serveertemperatuur 8 - 10°C
Deze heerlijke witte wijn past perfect bij
- lichte voorgerechten
- ideale begeleider van visgerechten
- Gewoon een zalig aperitief wijntje om van te genieten op een zonnig terras